As a step into toddler hood, I decided to pack up the bottles. Hannah hasn’t used a bottle in a couple weeks and she doesn’t seem to miss it. I decided to stop using bottles a couple weeks ago after talking to a friend who is a pedialdontic (kid’s dentist) assistant. She told me about a couple kids she had worked on that day. She didn’t know I still used a bottle; she was just sharing about her day. It was sad. They did a root canal on a 2.5 year old who still drank out of a bottle. Her teeth were rotting because of the bottle. Sadness…
This encouraged me to take the leap. We had been doing bottles only morning and night and I thought it would be hard for her to give those up, but it really wasn’t. I think I cared more about it than she did, I liked that time of closeness. Hannah didn’t seem to mind at all. Instead of a bottle I give her a sippy cup now and we still cuddle while she drinks her milk.
She is such a big girl now, next thing I know she will be off to school.